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A Quick Beginner’s Guide To Using Lastpass

Quick Beginner's Gudie to using LastPass

LastPass simplifies logging into any websites by remembering usernames and passwords for you. If you are working with a Virtual Assistant, you are expected to share sensitive information like passwords. LastPass is a great way to give access to your VAs without compromising the security of your business. 


  1. To save a significant amount of time. Typing a password can take from a few to more than 20 seconds. So if you add up all those times, you’d be surprised at how much time is wasted. If you don’t recall your password, going through password recovery involves plenty of steps and takes minutes to finish. LastPass avoids that from happening and reduces distractions to keep you focused.
  2. To generate passwords. Most website signups these days require strong password conditions like a combination of letters, numbers and symbols. LastPass helps you come up with passwords that fit a website’s requirements. 
  3. To access your passwords anytime, anywhere. LastPass allows you to sync passwords on every browser so everything is always accessible.
  4. To improve your accounts’ security. LastPass audits your passwords and helps you improve them so you’re protected from being hacked which proves to be extremely inconvenient if it happens.


Go to lastpass.com.

Click on Get LastPass Free on the upper righthand corner.


lastpass - get lastpass free


Enter your email, a Master Password, as well as a password hint. This is an extremely important step. If you forget your Master Password, LastPass can send you a clue through the password hint. 

LastPass signup


Click Sign Up – It’s Free. You should be redirected to the following Welcome screen that will ask you to install the LastPass browser extension and login. 

LastPass - account created


Click on Install Lastpass. Depending on your browser, you may see slightly different screens.

After following the prompts, you can click on the LastPass icon in your browser toolbar  to access the login form.

Lastpass icon


Enter your email and your newly-created Master Password then click Login. You are now ready to use your LastPass account.


Lastpass login



When visiting a site, just type in your username and password. After you log in, confirm that you want LastPass to store it in your vault.


LastPass save password


When you return to that site, LastPass will fill in the credentials automatically for you, or click on the LastPass icon in-field to choose from multiple logins. 



Only you know your master password, so you’re the only one who can access your LastPass vault.

Open your vault by clicking the LastPass icon in your browser toolbar.

LastPass icon

Your vault is your database for all the logins you have saved including passwords, notes and payment cards. 

LastPass - Open My Vault

In the lefthand navigation, you’ll find the different categories of items.

Within your vault, you can add, manage, and delete all the items you save. You can click the site to “Launch” it or edit it if you need to make a change. You can move items into Folders for easy organization. 

LastPass launch



Go to your LastPass vault and find the item you want to share. Hover over the entry and click on the “Share” icon.

LastPass share

Type in the email address of the recipient and hit “Share”.

LastPass add recipient


Thanks for reading,
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