My Blog

How would you respond to a terminal breast cancer diagnosis?

How would you respond to a terminal breast cancer diagnosis?

How would you respond if you’d lived a healthy, active life and were then suddenly given a terminal breast cancer diagnosis? Janette Murray-Wakelin was told she had six months to live. While she wasn’t drawn to any of the ‘cut, burn or poison’ options, she agreed to...

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Using Our Power to Heal Earth and Ourselves

Using Our Power to Heal Earth and Ourselves

"In 1965 4% of our population had a chronic disease. Today 46% of our children have a chronic disease.” – Zach Bush MD I finished writing Power of the Light in 2014 and it sat in my filing cabinet until now, when the perfect storm hit: illness, fear, government...

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‘We are going to have to amputate your leg.’

‘We are going to have to amputate your leg.’

What would you do if that was what the doctor said to you? Yvonne Chamberlain said, ‘No way!’ and she headed in the opposite direction – to Mexico. Yvonne shares exactly what she was advised to do at the clinic in Mexico and then at the Gerson Institute where she...

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