Using Our Power to Heal Earth and Ourselves

Using Our Power to Heal Earth and Ourselves

“In 1965 4% of our population had a chronic disease. Today 46% of our children have a chronic disease.” – Zach Bush MD I finished writing Power of the Light in 2014 and it sat in my filing cabinet until now, when the perfect storm hit: illness, fear,...
Avatar’s relevance to the current war

Avatar’s relevance to the current war

People around the world were captivated by James Cameron’s film Avatar, and his depiction of the Na’vi, a blue-skinned race living in a lush alien world. But did this advanced people demonstrate a fall in consciousness? Could they have responded differently to the...
If I handed you a $100 bill, would you…?

If I handed you a $100 bill, would you…?

If I handed you a $100 bill, would you… buy something that makes you feel good? save it? pay a bill? give it away? Your answer reveals something of your money personality, your values, and your childhood programming. It’s important to value ourselves, so (a) can...